It takes a lot of courage to tell someone that you have feelings for them. Ultimately, you really can’t control what they say or how they react. Sometimes, they don’t see it coming and end up saying awkward things. Other times, they just don’t feel the same way. Either way, it can be heartbreaking to hear any of these 12 responses when you say “I love you” to someone.
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We’d understand when someone says “Aw” after seeing an adorable pet or baby. But “Aw” as a response to “I love you” hits differently, especially when followed by silence.
This should not be the response to “I love you,” but some people use it anyway. One user explains why, “I have a hard time saying it back because my parents never did.“
One user is guilty of responding, “Oh,” but it was because she had only known the guy for less than two weeks. However, this response from a loved one is “next-level emotional damage.”
Another terrible response is “Ok” or just a plain “K.” “That’s what my girlfriend replies when she is upset,” writes a guy.
“This is how my dad always responds to my ‘I love you’ texts. I know the man loves me, we have a good relationship, but geez….’ writes another.
“I Love YouTube”
If a relationship is in its early stages, saying “I love YouTube” as a response to the L word can be chaotic. However, it is a fun way to mess with someone you feel secure in a relationship.
“My girlfriend and I do that all the time. We do, ‘I love Utah, UK, ukuleles, the U2 band,’ anything that works and might be funny,” writes a commentator.
“I’m Hungry. Let’s Get Something to Eat”
Or worse, “You’re just hungry. Let’s get something to eat.” Having someone say this would have you fasting the next few days as they bashed your feelings for food.
Nevertheless, one user says, “This is my love language, so I’d be happy if that were their response.”
“Who Doesn’t?”
One poster says, “This is how my best friend responds, but he’s my best friend, so I know he’s messing around with me.“
But a different user writes, “I have absolutely responded this way on more than one occasion because I am awkward as heck and have no idea how to process anything of that sort.“
“I Know”
“The tone and context make a huge difference” in how the “I know” response is received. One user who cares for her grandma with dementia says, “I am actually very happy when I receive this answer. It means you did a good job showing your love to someone, and they acknowledge it.“
Another user who has said it before says it is a ‘crappy thing to say.’
“It’ll Pass”
The TV show Fleabag had the reference “It will pass” as Andrew Scott’s response to a love confession. Now, people use this quote, which is as heartbreaking as the scene from the show.
“Yikes. The L Word”
A commentator writes, “This is really bad. Possible worst case scenario.”
“I Love Me Too”
“I have used ‘I love me too’ on my mom before. The bruise didn’t heal for weeks,” writes a user. Another user mentioned that this statement was one red flag he dismissed from a woman he dated.
“I Love You Too… as a Friend”
This line starts well, only to end with the heartbreaking ‘friend’ title at the end. Ouch! “And that’s usually the end of the relationship,” highlights a poster.
Source: Reddit
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