Driving an automatic has a lot of benefits, but the main one is its overall ease of use—no need to shift gears or worry about the clutch, especially if you are in crawling traffic. So, why would some drivers still prefer a car with a shift stick? These 13 reasons can give you a better idea.
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More Engaging Driving Experience
With a manual transmission, drivers make all driving decisions, which keeps them in control. Moreover, the different manual speeds sound great to a driver’s ear.
Cheaper to Fix
“You can push start if the battery dies,” notes a user, a fix practically impossible in automatics. Moreover, manual cars have fewer moving parts, and their components are typically cheaper.
Good Theft Deterrent
Few people know how to drive a manual transmission car, making them theft-deterrent. In fact, there’ve been incidents of carjackers trying to steal a stick shift only to leave it down the block.
Friends Won’t Borrow Your Car
Furthermore, your friends are less likely to borrow your car if they can’t shift gears and ride it.
A parent writes, “It’s pretty sweet when your kids are learning to drive because you know that your kid’s friends won’t be asking to borrow their car. In the rare case that they do, you know that kid had to be taught by an adult, and the teaching was substantial and engaging.”
Connects You to the Car
These drivers also enjoy the direct connection to the car from driving a stick shift. They anticipate what their car will do based on the environment and, in turn, make the needed changes.
It Requires More Focus
Drivers with manual transmission vehicles are less likely to get distracted because they are more involved in driving. They must be ready to shift gears depending on road conditions, incline, or speed. “You can’t text while shifting gears,” notes a user.
More Responsive
Additionally, manual cars are more responsive than automatic ones. This is because manuals depend on the driver’s input to shift gears for efficiency, but automatics wait until the computer decides the best times.
More Control Over When to Shift
“I remember when I went from manual to automatic, I spent a good month screaming, ‘Shift!'” shares an annoyed user over the lack of control. Manual car drivers enjoy being in control of when to shift gears rather than waiting for the computer’s input, which can feel delayed.
Hates Unnecessary Electronics
Most automatic cars are equipped with electronic parts. If any of those components fail, you are have no option but to call for towing. One user explains, “As much as I love technology, electronic systems break, and when they do, you are stuck.”
Running Through the Gears Is Fun
Those who’ve mastered the skill of driving manuals admit it is fun running through the gears. “It’s fun to get to choose to drop into a lower gear when I pass someone on the highway,” expresses a poster.
Makes Driving More Enjoyable
“I don’t drive simply to get from point A to point B; I drive because I enjoy the act of driving, of piloting my vehicle. It’s fun, more exciting, and requires more focus,” shares a driver who is disinterested in owning a self-driving car.
Feels Like Actually Operating a Machine
Other drivers love driving manual transmission cars because they feel like they’re operating a machine, while an automatic feels like driving a go-cart.
Keeps You More Involved in Driving
With manual transmissions, your feet are engaged on gas, brakes, and clutch, while your hands are on the steering wheel and occasionally shifting gears. Moreover, you have to be aware of your environment. This active involvement is why some drivers wouldn’t trade their manual for an automatic car.
Source: Reddit
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