10 Essential Car Items for Everyday

Man driving car

Every motorist should always brace themselves for unforeseen circumstances. Whether embarking on an extensive journey or performing routine tasks, equipping your automobile with the proper gear and tools could be a game-changer, potentially converting a significant catastrophe into a slight hiccup. Here’s a list of ten indispensable elements every driver should keep in their automobile that will save them a call with AAA or at least alleviate the wait.

1 – Spare Tire

Spare Tire
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This may seem like a no-brainer, but knowing how many drivers forget to check their spare tire or even have one would surprise you. One of the essential things every driver should have in their vehicle is a spare tire and tools to change it. A flat tire can happen, so always be prepared. Ensure you have a spare tire that’s properly inflated and in good condition, along with a jack, lug wrench, and any other necessary tools.

2 – Jumper Cables or a Jumper Battery Pack

Jumper Cables
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Dead batteries can happen to anyone, and having a set of jumper cables in your vehicle can save you from being stranded. A pair of jumper cables can help you get back on the road quickly. Keep good-quality jumper cables in your trunk and ensure you know how to use them safely.

Nowadays, you can get convenient portable battery packs that charge via USB and have enough juice to jump your car multiple times.


3 – First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit
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Accidents happen constantly, and having a well-stocked first aid kit in your vehicle can make all the difference in an emergency. Ensure your kit includes bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and other essential medical supplies. One contributor shares how they have been in a few accidents and how a first aid kit saved them from pain and discomfort every time. This is one very critical tip for road users.

4 – Flashlight

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Whether changing a tire at night or trying to find something in your vehicle, a flashlight can be a lifesaver. A flashlight can be valuable in various situations, from changing a tire to searching for something in the dark.

Ensure you have a sturdy, reliable flashlight with fresh batteries in your glove compartment or console. One road user says, “It’s saved me from having to call for roadside assistance more than once.” Calling out to strangers in the middle of the night is not the best idea, and having a flashlight will help prevent that from happening.

5 – Water and Non-perishable Snacks

Water Bottle in Car


If you’re stranded or stuck in traffic for an extended period, having water and snacks on hand can keep you hydrated and energized. Hunger happens to the best of us at the worst times, and having a few non-perishable snacks in your vehicle can help keep you fueled until you can find a meal. Granola bars and trail mix are good, healthy options.

6 – Phone Charger

Phone Charger
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Your phone is your lifeline in an emergency, so ensure you always have a charger in your vehicle. In today’s world, a dead cell phone battery can be a significant inconvenience. Keep a cell phone charger in your car to stay connected always. Also, consider investing in a portable charger that you can carry everywhere.

7 – Emergency Contact Information

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Keep a list of emergency contacts in your vehicle, including your doctor, family members, and roadside assistance services. Then, in emergencies, anyone who accesses your phone would know who to contact, and if your phone ever locks you out, you won’t be stranded.

8 – Blanket or Warm Clothing

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In case of a breakdown or being stuck in cold weather, having a blanket or warm clothing can help you stay comfortable and prevent hypothermia. Choose a durable, warm blanket that can withstand the elements.

9 – Navigation System

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While many of us rely on our smartphones for navigation, it’s always a good idea to have a dedicated GPS in your vehicle as a backup. A sound navigation system can help you find your way in unfamiliar territory. It can even help you avoid traffic jams.

10 – Roadside Assistance Membership

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While not technically an item, having a roadside assistance membership can give you peace of mind in case of a breakdown or accident. Consider joining a reputable service like AAA or your vehicle’s manufacturer program. Conclusively, having these essential items in your car can make a big difference in case of an emergency on the road. Not only can they help you stay safe and prepared, but they can also give you peace of mind while driving.

This thread inspired this post.

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